
Thanksgiving Shabbat Dinner for Families

  • Science and Faith: An Academic’s Struggle to Reconcile Jewish Heritage with Scientific Theory

    A Shabbat Dinner with Award Winning Lecturer Dr. Binyomin Abrams

    Is man’s origin from an ape or from Adam? How old exactly is our world? These are a few of the issues that appear to pit modern scientific theory against traditional Jewish belief. Join us for an incredible evening with award-winning lecturer and Professor of Chemistry Dr. Binyomin Abrams as he takes us on a personal journey of self-discovery and bridges the gap between the seemingly conflicting worlds of science and Judaism.

    Friday August 24, 2018 

    7:00 Lively Shabbat Prayer
    7:30 Five Course Gourmet Dinner
    8:30 Lecture: Science and Faith: An Academic’s Struggle to Reconcile Jewish Heritage with Scientific Theory

    Rohr Chabad NDG
    6058 Sherbrooke West
    Montreal, QC H4A 1Y1

    Early Bird $22 (until August 9, 2018)
    Advance Reservation $32 (until August 19, 2018)
    General Access $45 (until August 23, 2018)
    Sponsorships $500

    About Dr. Abrams
    Dr. Binyomin Abrams is a senior Professor of Chemical Education and Theoretical Physical Chemistry at Boston University, and recipient of the 2015 Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching. His pursuit of Judaism began while working on his doctorate in Physical Chemistry at New York University. Dr. Abrams lectures extensively on the interplay of science and Judaism.

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