We Will Survive
A Shabbat Dinner with Holocaust Survivor Fishel Goldig
In Honour of Yom Hashoah | Holocaust Remembrance Day
Friday May 3, 2019
Spirited Cantorial Service | Five-Course Gourmet Shabbat Dinner | Holocaust Survivor Story | Songs from the Ghetto
Zero Pressure-Total Pleasure
7:00 Spirited Cantorial Friday Night Prayer
7:45 Traditional Shabbat Dinner
8:45 Keynote Address: My Survivor Story with Fishel Goldig
9:45 Songs from the Ghetto
10:15 Dessert
Rohr Chabad NDG
6058 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, QC H4A 1Y1
Check this spot for the Awesome Shabbat Dinner Menu - Coming Soon
About Fishel Goldig
Fishel Goldig was born in 1933 in Mielnica, Poland (today Ukraine). At the beginning of 1942 Fishel and his family were forced to move to the Borszczow ghetto. Most of his family eventually escaped the ghetto and lived in the forest for several months. He and several family members were taken in by a Ukrainian farmer, where they lived in a hole in a potato cellar for 22 months. After liberation, Fishel’s family spent two years in a DP camp in Pocking before immigrating to Canada. They settled in Montreal where Fishel went to yeshiva, studied literature, art and singing, and pursued a career in business. In 2017, Fishel was chosen by Canada to lead the opening of the official Holocaust Memorial in Ottawa. Fishel is a seasoned cantor and will be sharing by his story and the beloved music of his childhood.
Advanced Registration Only. Limited Seating. First come first serve.
Reserve your spot online
$22 before April 1
$30 before April 30
$36 before May 3
$18 for Chabad Co-op Members
Sponsorships Available $360