In 4 classes, we will cover the "basics" (which are not so simple!) of the High Holidays. By the end of the course, students will understand where the holidays come from in Jewish texts, what the main practices are (and their sources), and what the spiritual and personal implications are. Essentially, everything you need to do the holidays right, and have an enjoyable and meaningful experience!

Class Schedule:

Class 1 Monday Sept 16th 8:30 pm
Class 2 Monday Sept 23rd at 830 pm
Class 3 Monday Sept 30th at 830 pm
Class 4 Wed Oct 9th at 830 pm

Register Here


Class 1: Elul
The High Holidays really start a month before you think they do, during the month of Elul... And the now-famous parable of "the King in the Field" has much more to it than its seems! And what does this have to do with a world-famous violinist busking in the subway? At this class, you'll find out!
Class 2: Rosh Hashanah
Dip the apple in the honey... Stand, sit, stand.. what is this holiday really about? Why is the service so long? Learn the significance of the Jewish New Year and how it can change your life.
Class 3: Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is one of the happiest days of the year.
Not your experience? That's why we have this class – come and find out why.
Class 4: Sukkot / Simchat Torah
If you've never celebrated Sukkot, it's like you've left the party before they served the main course (and the cocktails!) Sukkah, Lulav and Etrog – there's so much to learn about and celebrate. Get ready to have the time of your life!

Available in-person and on Zoom (hybrid)!

If you're currently a University student, contact [email protected] for free tuition and the ability to earn credits that can be traded in for valuable benefits!